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I understand that I can ethically steal all these ad templates Tier 11 has created, and uses to this very day, to successfully manage over $100 Million Dollars in Annual Ad Spend… at an amazing ROAS.
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By getting The $100 Million Swipe File™ today, I’ll feel confident in my abilities to create ads that can drive cold traffic to my offers. And, I know, with these ad templates, I’ll be able to do it in a very short time.

I realize these aren’t “basic” cut-and-paste templates, but each ad template demonstrates hours and hours of research and strategic testing and re-testing to ensure these ads pull responses… at scale. 

And, best of all, I fully know these ad templates have been used during multiple Facebook Algorithm changes—so, in short, they’ve worked before, they currently work, and as long as humans are on Facebook… they will work!

Dr. F. Scott Feil, Epic Therapy and Wellness

"Ralph's stuff has really opened my eyes to how to use Facebook in a small, local community. I strongly recommend Ralph and his crew with anything Facebook related because they make it so simple."

Evan Van Dyke, Atria Media Group

"It's really helped me out with outbound calls - we've been able to shift all our lead gen, to inbound primarily through FB ads. We have a more predictable funnel and have increased our lead gen."
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